Principle Investigator

Morgan Barnes, PhD


Cotact:, Current CV

Morgan is from Texas, USA and received her undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from Baylor University in 2013 and her masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science from Duke University in 2015. She completed her PhD in Materials Science and NanoEngineering at Rice University in 2021 under the guidance of Professor Rafael Verduzco after which she went to Cambridge University for a postdoc to work with Professor John Biggins. She joined UCL as the Lecturer of Soft Manufacturing in 2024. Her research spans multiple disciplines including chemistry, physics, mechanics, and manufacturing to design smart soft materials across all length scales and has earned her many international awards.


We are looking for a motivated PhD Student to work on developing responsive smart materials. Interested candidates should reach out directly to Morgan. An official anouncement will be released in the coming months.